As the jubilant Fairy Tail members celebrate their victories, the other people, such as Sting, Kagura, and Milliana, are contemplating on their own concerns, while Yukino is enlisted as a sergeant under Arcadios' command. Meanwhile, the fourth day of the competitions comes to a start with an event, "Naval Battle", which involves the participants swimming in a giant water sphere and knocking the other competitors out. After the other participants fall out of the aquatic sphere, a five-minute battle between Lucy and Minerva ensues. However, Minerva quickly attacks Lucy, and she manages to steal the keys of the Celestial Spirit mage. Regardless of this, Lucy refuses to surrender. After hearing Lucy's intentions, Minerva stops from attacking up to the extent that the five-minute mark was reached. However, Minerva resumes attacking Lucy until the game officials decide to halt the match. The Fairy Tail members snap, and Minerva dangles Lucy out of the sphere while the others rush to her aid.